Tiny Leaps, Big Changes



Tiny Leaps, Big Changes is a personal development podcast focused on exploring the day-to-day behaviors we all engage in that determine the results we gain in our lives. Hosted by Gregg Clunis, the show shares simple strategies you can implement into your life to start moving the needle towards your biggest goals.


  • 869 - The balance of power between capital and labor

    12/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    Are you tired of feeling like a cog in the machine, working hard every day just to scrape by while those at the top reap all the benefits? It's not just your imagination - the balance of power between capital and labor is heavily skewed in favor of capital. But why is this the case, and what can we do about it? In this episode, we'll explore the reasons why capital holds all the power and why labor has been duped into believing that capital is more valuable. We'll delve into the concept of class consciousness and discuss how we can work towards a more equitable balance of power between capital and labor. Whether you're a worker struggling to make ends meet or simply interested in understanding the forces that shape our economy and society, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn how we can all work towards a better future for workers everywhere.

  • 868 - Why we need universal health insurance

    10/04/2023 Duración: 18min

    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the topic of universal health insurance, specifically Medicare for All, examining the benefits and drawbacks of publicly funded health insurance. We start by exploring what universal health insurance is and how it works, discussing the potential benefits of having such a system in place. We highlight how having access to health insurance can provide individuals with the ability to take bigger risks in life, such as starting a business or pursuing a passion. Additionally, we discuss how universal health insurance can provide a safety net, helping to lower or eliminate medical debt and providing a larger sense of community across the country. However, we also discuss the potential drawbacks of such a system, such as increased taxes and the cost of paying for other people's healthcare. We also acknowledge that wait times and the average level of care may increase. Next, we dive into why it's essential to discuss the need for universal health insurance, e

  • 867 - Finding your passion in a capitalist world

    05/04/2023 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, I dive into the strange and often hazardous intersection between capitalism and the pursuit of passion. I'll explore how the pressure to find and monetize your passion has become a pervasive message in our society, and the consequences of treating passion as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. I'll discuss why it's important to prioritize passion for its own sake, rather than solely focusing on its profit potential. I'll examine the dangers of reducing passion to a commodity, and how this can lead to burnout, disillusionment, and a loss of joy in our creative pursuits. By contrast, I'll highlight the benefits of pursuing passion purely for the love of it, and the ways in which this can bring meaning, fulfillment, and personal growth into our lives. Ultimately, I'll challenge listeners to re-claim their passions from the clutches of capitalism, and to cultivate a healthier, more sustainable relationship with their creativity.

  • Where I've been...

    03/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    Is anyone even still here?

  • 866 - Hack your motivation

    30/01/2023 Duración: 14min

    Lately, I've been paying close attention to what motivates me and trying to figure out how to pursue more of that. This reminded me of a book I read early last year called Tiny Habits by B.J. Fogg. In the book, B.J. introduced the behavior model. The B = M A P behavior model is a simple yet powerful tool that can help us understand the factors that influence our behavior. B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University researcher and expert on behavior change, created this model to help explain why some behaviors are easy to perform while others are difficult. Take the survey: https://tlbc.co/survey YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tinyleaps TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@tinyleaps Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinyleaps

  • 865 - Some thoughts on finding your why

    27/01/2023 Duración: 07min

    A common trap that I fall into is feeling like my “why” needs to be this huge, selfless thing. Like it needs to be Mother Teresa levels of altruism. Something like: Wanting to help underprivileged communities Because you want to fix climate change To support children because they’re our future And, maybe it would be nice if those were naturally your reason but if they’re not, you shouldn’t feel bad about it. Let's get something straight, your "why" doesn't have to be some big, noble cause or anything like that. It can be something that's all about you and what makes you happy. Yeah…it can be selfish. And in many ways, it SHOULD be selfish. Like, if your why is to start a business because you want to be your own boss and make some serious cash, that's totally fine. The fact that it’s authentic to you is going to ultimately be way more motivating than some PR thing you came up with because it “sounds better”. Take the survey: https://tlbc.co/survey Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinyleaps TikTok: https:

  • 864 - Meditation 101: A Beginner's Guide

    24/01/2023 Duración: 16min

    We've all been there. We know meditation is good for us, but we just can't seem to start and stick with it. Maybe we're too busy, or we're not sure how to do it. Or maybe we're just a little intimidated by the idea of sitting still and trying to quiet our minds. But the truth is, starting a meditation practice doesn't have to be complicated or difficult. In fact, getting started with building this habit can be much, much simpler than you think. So, whether you're a meditation newbie or you're looking to get back into it, we've got you covered because this is Tiny Leaps, Big Changes. Survey: https://tlbc.co/survey

  • 863 - The End of Bias Pt 2 (feat Jessica Nordell)

    13/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    I'm going to tell you a story. It's not a true story, it's not even based on any specific person that I know, but it's the type of story that happens all the time. Maybe it's even happened to you or someone you know. This is the story of Jane. Jane had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, Jane had to work hard to overcome the many obstacles in her way. She was an excellent student and graduated from high school with top grades and even attended a good college and received her law degree with honors. But...she ran into a problem. Despite her impressive credentials, Jane struggled to find a job. She applied to law firm after law firm after law firm and sat for several interviews, but was always passed over for the job. She couldn't figure out why and now that the student loan payments were due, she had a lot of external pressure influencing her decisions. Jane couldn't understand why she wasn't getting hired, especially since she had done everything right, so she decided

  • 862 - The End of Bias Pt 1 (feat Jessica Nordell)

    11/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    Here's a question...when was the last time you considered your unconcious biases? Have you ever? It's okay if not..most of us haven't. But here's something interesting to note..whether we take the time to examine them or not...they do affect us. Every single day. Maybe in small ways, getting passed over for a promotion, being spoken down to by your peers, or...in the case of my guest today...getting your work overlooked. Or maybe you've been the perpetrator. Choosing the cross the street at night when you see a person of color coming towards you. Or subconsciously discounting what a female colleague has to say. No matter how it affects you...it does affect you. And it can cause huge problems in your life and in larger society. That's why for the next 2 episodes, we're going to take about how to end it. And the answer? Well...you already know the answer...because this is Tiny Leaps, Big Changes. My guest today is Jessica Nordell. Jessica Nordell is a science writer, award-winning author, and speaker known for

  • 861 - How to Take Control of Your Life

    09/01/2023 Duración: 12min

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinyleaps With the start of a new year, many of us set big goals and try to focus on specific things in an effort to feel in control of our lives. While habits, routines, and life hacks can be helpful in achieving these goals, they are not enough to truly create lasting change. In this episode, we will explore the concept of the Fresh Start Effect and the importance of identifying an outcome and working towards it with direction in order to gain a sense of control in our lives. We will also discuss the challenges of maintaining motivation and offer strategies for making lasting change. In this episode: The Fresh Start Effect - a phenomenon where people are more likely to try to create change in their lives around predetermined moments Why habits, routines, and life hacks are not enough to create lasting change and a sense of control in one's life The key to creating a sense of control is to identify an outcome and work towards it with direction How motivation, often fel

  • 860 - "I don't have the time..."

    28/12/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this episode we get real about the question of having enough time... Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinyleaps

  • 859 - Self-Care 101: A Beginner's Guide

    14/12/2022 Duración: 14min

    Around this time of year, when we’re all caught up with the mad rush of gift giving, holiday attending, and sitting in traffic, it becomes extremely easy to lose track of our own self care. This can lead to major issues such as a weakened immune system, increased anxiety, and decreased performance at work or school. That’s why it’s more important than ever to develop strong self-care habits and maintain them during the holidays. Especially if you intend to start the next year strong. So in this episode, we’ll do a beginners guide on self-care…what it is, why it matters, and how to build it into your life. What is self care? Self-care is the practice of taking care of one's own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can include activities such as exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in leisure activities. The concept of self-care has been around for centuries, but it has gained popularity in recent years as more people have become aware of the importan

  • 858 - How do we end racism?

    05/12/2022 Duración: 18min

    Stats about racism In the U.S., as of 2019, 65% of those surveyed in a Pew Research study believe it's more acceptable to express racist or racially insensitive views 59% of white republicans and republican leaning people believe that slavery has had not much or no effect on black people in society today And 77% of white republican and republican leaning people believe the biggest problem with racism is seeing racism where it does not exist The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee In The Sum of Us, Heather McGhee explores the history of racism in America and offers solutions for building an inclusive society. McGhee begins by recounting how America was founded on principles of racial inequality, which have been perpetuated through policies and cultural norms. She argues that racism has always been used to divide and conquer the American people, and that it benefits no one in the long run. Resources: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/effects-of-racism#adults https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article

  • 857 - Unbreaking Culture

    17/11/2022 Duración: 14min

    Idea: In order to shift a collective culture that reinforces unconscious bias across the board, we surprisingly may need to place a larger spotlight on our individual differences within communities. The End of Bias: A Beginning (Jessica Nordell) These passages are from Chapter 10: Unbreaking Culture Passages: Transforming the minds, hearts, and habits of individuals i one way to change bias. Another, as we’ve seen, is to change processes, structures, and the culture of organizations. The two, of course, are intertwined: individuals create the processes, structures, and organizational culture, and these in turn shape individuals’ thoughts and actions. But we are also the product of our larger culture – the broader environment in which we live. Change can additionally begin from this third starting point. In a set of experiments by Abdelatif Er-Rafiy and Markus Brauer, researchers created large posters with photographs of people of Arab origin. The posters had the person’s name, age, and a distinct personality

  • 856 - How to Fix Productivity

    03/11/2022 Duración: 08min

    How productive were you today? Do you know? Did you track it? What method did you use? A to-do list? A pomodoro timer? I’d bet you were really really productive. I bet you got a lot of things done and checked off all those little boxes right? So here’s a different question…did any of it matter? Sure, you were productive…but for what purpose? To what end? I think many of us forget to ask that last question in our day to day lives and work. As a society, we’ve been so focused on how to be productive that we’ve developed an endless stream of strategies and tools to make it easier. This exploded further in 2020 and the following years as the pandemic created a national and global shift towards fully remote or hybrid work. A shift that, I hate to break it to you, isn’t going to go away. Resources https://www.etymonline.com/word/productivity https://www.zarvana.com/new-productivity-definition-that-wont-burn-you-out/ https://www.oecd.org/sdd/productivity-stats/40526851.pdf https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/a-brief-

  • 855 - The Cult of Entrepreneurship

    20/10/2022 Duración: 22min

    When you think of a cult, you might conjure some very specific imagery. Groups of people dressed in white, huddled around a charismatic, long-haired leader. Glasses of red fruit punch, mixed with other things, in the background. And a general sense of impending doom as the leader shares their celestial or holy visions with the crowd.  This idea of a cult may have been popular in the 70s and 80s but the modern cult is more sophisticated, often choosing to weave cult-like practices into more acceptable industries such as self-help or entrepreneurship. In fact, you may be being influenced by cult indoctrination techniques right now, without even knowing it…but in order to talk about that, we first need to look at cults more generally and the practices that cause their followers to behave the way they do.   From Jonestown to NXIVM, cults have caused massive damage to their victims and destroyed the lives of everyone they’ve come into contact with. So much so that, through various podcasts, documentaries

  • What do you take for granted? | a TLBC virtual event

    12/10/2022 Duración: 02min

    Download the app: https://connectwithspark.com/tlbc

  • 854 - Your idea of success is wrong

    06/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and billionaires like them are treated in society as geniuses deserving of their massive wealth. After all, they created it by their own ability to identify an opportunity, gather resources, and bend reality itself through sheer willpower and an unwillingness to give up. Their hard work earned them that fortune, and they use it to better society by creating new jobs, solving big problems, and giving back through philanthropy. To deprive those who are successful of their hard earned wealth through taxation would dis-incentivize them, and society at large, from bringing their genius to the world. This is a commonly held belief in the United States but…what if it isn’t true? YouTube: https://youtu.be/xdJuGox034E Resources: https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/personal-finance/your-odds-of-becoming-a-millionaire/ https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Personal_responsibility https://www.gotquestions.org/personal-responsibility.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalized_oppression

  • 853 - How to Get a Better Job

    28/09/2022 Duración: 10min

    This episode is about how to get a better job by beating your limiting beliefs.  You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You've probably heard this quote before. It's supposedly from Wayne Gretzky, the Hall of Fame hockey player who scored 2,857 points in his career and it spread like wildfire in recent years.    It's easy to see why this quote speaks to something that we all experience and struggle. Especially in our job search.     Have you ever looked at a job listing or a potential promotion and thought to yourself, I can't do that. Maybe you've  gone as far as to not apply to a particular position because you didn't think you had the requirements or maybe right when things were working out for you, you stepped on the brakes and slowed down because you were too scared of what would happen if you kept going.    This is something we all do in some form or another, and I call it self elimination. Self elimination is the process of removing yourself from consideration bas

  • How to Avoid Overwhelm (Jan 2022)

    22/09/2022 Duración: 18min

    Hey, Hey, Greg. Clunis here. First off, thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I do want to let you know the episode you're about to listen to is a replay. It's one of our best performing episodes from this past January. And the reason we're doing a replay today is that I am working on a much more involved episode. That's going to release next week. So I'm scripting, I'm researching. Putting together something that's going to publish next Wednesday. So next Wednesday on the 28th of September, I'm going to have a brand new episode for you.  And until then, please enjoy this replay. On how to avoid overwhelm.   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0UZNi0KDMMTPLBx4iI_1ew

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