Dr. Carol Francis



***Make Life Happen***Effectively tackle the issues and opportunities of your life by listening to professionals, authors, success stories and psychologists on a broad range of topics. What ever life is bringing to you now, we discuss in depth. Are you marrying, raising children, divorcing, seeking romance, groping for money? Perhaps you are stuck and feeling depressed, anxious, angry. Feeling overweight, needing to stop smoking or beginning to exercise. Or perhaps angles toward success is your drive: learning to attract money, lovers, or happiness. Interested in brain health, emotional highs, connection and love? Wondering about mind-body connections, spiritual practices and your personal human tribulations or paths? These topics about Making Your Life Happen will inspire and inform. Enjoy!! Contact me at any point for topics, questions, interviewee you wish to hear--drcarolfrancis.com--or 310-543-1824 or makelifehappennow@gmail.com--Love to hear from listeners. Carpe Diem!!


  • Women Be Free to Love, Be Loved by Yourself First with Author Lisa Marie Jenkins

    16/02/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Lisa Marie Jenkins' book WAKE UP BEAUTY!  It's Not About the Prince begins by examining the Myth and the Truth of Happily-Ever-After and then offers what steps a woman needs to really achieve that state. Peppered with her own experiences, mistakes and stories, Jenkins zeros in on "how we fall asleep on ourselves." Her book offers specific exercises on: How Women Can Learn to Play BigHow They Can Let Go of What No Longer Serves ThemHow to Retrieve and Shine Their Authentic SelvesHow to Reclaim Vulnerability, the Path to FreedomHow to Spur Self-Compassion and Become Their Own Best FriendHow to Fully Step into an Engaged and Powerful Life  -- With or Without a Partner Wake Up, Beauty! It's Not About the Prince is for the woman still looking for salvation in the arms of a man. It is indeed a wake-up call to anyone who either keeps looking for love or has found a lover and still feels empty. Lisa Marie Jenkins will provide the catalyst to start seeking another ending to her Fairy Tale story.  LisaMarieJenkins.com

  • Manipulators, Abusers, and You as Savvy Strategist w Dr. Carol Francis

    13/02/2015 Duración: 26min

    What powers do manipulatos and abusers have over you? How do you regain your power to steer your path positively.

  • ADHD Tips for Parents, Sexy in Marriage, & Aging Consciously Dr. Carol Francis

    12/02/2015 Duración: 24min

    Attention Deficit Disorders with Hyperactivity or other complicated features of poor self-esteem, feeling dumb, concentration glitches, or uncooperative behaviors at home baffle the best of parents.  So today's tips for parents of ADHD or ADD children will help change attitudes and actions which will make schooling and homework more successful.  Next, looking at being sexy from a wife's perspectives and a husband's point-of-view is the second segment.   For women, being sexy is often about the woman's relationship with her self and her body more than with her husband.   For a man, helping his woman feel sexy takes thinking and acting differently - try these tips men.   Aging is a part of life which we might as well embrace, plan, and consciously make the best of the changing situation.  Consider how modern anti-aging medicine, cosmetics and Hollywood discourage such awareness, but we have others who have decided that the aging life is worth noting and creating positively.  All this discussed in part 3.   Enjo

  • Temple Hayes - "WHEN DID YOU DIE? 8 Step to Stop Dying" with Dr. Carol Francis

    10/02/2015 Duración: 46min

    Consider removing your true self from the disconnected life and relationships which deplete your energies and drain you of your personal existence.   Move yourself into living an invigorated, indepth version of your life where you can be impassioned, self-respected and eager to explore the extent of your personal powers, personal loves and creative capacities.   Author and minister Temple Hayes beautifully dialogues about her powerful steps she proposes which help individuals move toward invigorating life while overcoming trauma, abuse, loss, confusion, addiction, depression, dissociation, and rejection, for starters.  Temple Hayes is the author of "When Did You Die?  8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up" and Temple Hayes can be contacted at templehayes.com  Dr. Carol Francis, Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Shamanically trained has the wonderful opportunity to interview enlightened and authentic pilgrims of the humane m

  • Stop Dying Daily to People Pleasing, Media, Bosses, Abuses - Temple Hayes

    09/02/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    Temple Hayes, author of When Did You Die? 8 Steps To Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up guides us forward through the process of becoming invigorated to be boldly our Selves while fulfilling our ultimate dreams, or destiny. Being true to your self, your purpose in life, your true nature, or your passionate dreams takes disciplined conscious efforts and choices. Recognizing when you have lost your self under the demands of parents, children, spouses, bosses, media, financial concerns, daily chores, ill-health, or oppressive abusers and abuses is the first step toward waking up and taking charge of returning to being your true self.  Temple Ann Hayes is an ordained Unity minister, international motivational speaker, and Minister of First Unity Campus, a New Thought center, in St. Petersburg, Florida.  Temple Ann Hayes's diverse background includes military service, Softball player, Civil Rights leader, national speaker and author.  Temple Hayes can be reached through http://www.templehayes.com for wonderf

  • Evolving Your Next Best Self -Defeating Depression, Anxiety & Blahs! Dr. Francis

    03/02/2015 Duración: 25min

    Part one today of Evolving Your Next Best Self- Defeating Depression, Anciety and the BLAHS with Dr. Carol Francis, who has been a Psychologist and Marriage, Family & Child Therapist and for over 38 years has helped individuals attain their next best Self as they pursue improving relationships, careers, health, attractiveness, confidence, boldness and peace of mind.   In this program, Dr. Carol Francis begins to explore 15 ways for you to harness your ability to evolve into your next best self who has more love, more fun, more liveliness, more energy, more success, more deep satisfaction as you do the chores of daily life and create the next steps of your next better you.  Enjoy.  Dr. Carol Francis can be reached at drcarolfrancis.com and practices in the Los Angeles area around Torranace, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Palos Verdes or San Pedro.   The outline of the 15 points referenced here are on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expanding-Consciousness/351841241561736?ref=hl

  • Pressures Which Ruin Marriages and Solutions Which Create Intimacy w/ Dr. Franci

    30/01/2015 Duración: 19min

    Imagine your relationship being fun, joyful, carefree and playful instead of pressured by the complaints, criticisms, disappointments and sadness that often plagues relationships after a few years or less.  This show offered by Marriage Family and Child Therapist and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis is one in a series of practical doable solutions to a pressured oppressed marriage or relationship.  Consider the difference between men and women and communications styles.  Consider the impact of being critical and judgmental as opposed to being eagerly living the solution to the problem.  Many other doable tools are eplained briefly here.  For more information contact Dr. Carol Francis at drcarolfrancis.com.  Dr. Carol Francis also practices in the Beach Cities of Los Angeles including Torrance, Manhattan Beach and Palos Verdes Peninsula.  Kick off a wonderful day today for you and your spouse to enjoy together.  

  • Freeing Yourself from Manipulators Who Control, Dominate & Demean -Dr. Francis

    28/01/2015 Duración: 19min

    Dr. Carol Francis visits how to escape the false charms and lures of manipulators and connect with healthy relationships instead.  Dr. Carol Francis, Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family and Child Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist is practicing in Manhattan Beach, Torrance, Rancho Palos Verdes, San Pedro and can be reached through drcarolfrancis.com.  For more information about this radio show, turn to drcarolfrancistalkradio.com too.  

  • Escaping and Recognizing Emotional Manipulators with Dr. Carol Francis

    28/01/2015 Duración: 23min

    After 38 years as a psychotherapist, Dr. Carol Francis notes that couples, parent-child relationships, business settings, romances, and daily conversations can be loaded with manipulations which are both helpul and harmful.   In this program, we make it more clear when we are manipulating or influencing each other in a positive way (as with Andrew Carnegie's "How to Win and Influence Friends") and when emotional manipulators cause serious damage.   Emotional manipulators are individuals who try to defeat, over-take or control others by using emotionally entangling techniques.  Starkely, these types of manipulations keep people in abusive relationships with violent spouses, sickening parent-child abuses, or bullying at work or in romantic relationships which turn very controlling and/or violent.   Of course, we all influence each other and in fact parents, teachers, bosses, marketing companies and advertisements can positively learn the art of manipulating their circle to create amazingly positive outcom

  • Child Porn, Spousal Abuse, Suicide, & Tips for Happier Marriages - Dr. Francis

    27/01/2015 Duración: 25min

    Dr. Carol Francis tackles tough issues today with the hopes of increase human kindness and wise conscious treatment of people you meet or touch in your day.  Very doable tips for a happier marriage ends this program to help your love grow and your intimacy become delicious.  Today too the topics of child and new rules for reporting agencies, suicide (causes and impact on those left behind), and some tips for those trying to escape spousal abuse are addressed as well.   Dr. Carol Francis (drcarolfrancis.com) has been a psychotherapist for 38 years, Clinical Psychologist and Marriage, Family & Child Therapist practicing in the Beach Cities of Los Angeles (Torrance, San Pedro, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes et. al).  Her latest two books include "Your Soaring Phoenix" and "Evolving Women's Consciousness" and her other 8 books can be seen at drcarolfrancis.com, Amazon.com and Lulu.com.   

  • Sexual Fun & Emotional Connection in Marriages vs. Dredging up the Past

    21/01/2015 Duración: 17min

    Dr. Carol Francis, Marriage therapist for 38 years and a Clinical Psychologist discusses how marriages suffocate with the constant dredging up the woes of the past, the disappointments of moments, the insults of offensive words.  Instead, cultivate the present happiness of your marriage by infusing it with worthy, enjoyable, invigorating experiences, words, and attitudes.   Dr. Carol Francis practices in the Los Angeles, Beach Cities area of Torrance, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, El Segundo, Palos Verdes Estates, Hermosa Beach, San Pedro, California and is an author of 9 books including success in marriage, families and other daily relationships. DrCarolFrancis.com and DrCarolFrancisTalkRadio.com for more information.  

  • Scalar Energy Claims to Heal, Balance and Release - Let's See! Tom Paladino

    01/12/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Dr. Carol Francis invites Tom Paladino who invented a Scalar instrument based on Tesla Technology.  Scalar treatments claim to promotes health and wellbeing with phenomenal results.  Paladino claims to have successfully used his scalar instrument to remotely disassemble pathogens in the body (including HIV, Herpes, Candida and the Ebola virus.) He also uses the instrument to reassemble nutrients and balance the chakras. The Scientific community has known about Scalar energy for a long time and Governments are using it for their own purposes; however, Tom is a pioneer in Scalar Energy because he is using it to promote health and wellbeing. Tom has also created a Hormone Therapy treatment for both men and women, as well as a Fat Metabolizing treatment which facilitates weight loss without dieting.   Here is a sample of the results people have experienced from using Scalar Energy treatments: *Disassembling of harmful pathogens in the human body, results indicated by blood tests *Feelings of being stronger an

  • Shaking Off Stress, Fears, Anxiousness - Lively 10 Minute Meditation Dr. Francis

    22/11/2014 Duración: 19min

    End of the work week or end of worrisome tasks?  Its now it is important to recalibrate your body and minds stress reactions so that you don't take your anxiety, stress, fears and worries forward when they cause of those reactions are DONE.  Yep, you can keep holding onto the physiological reactions to those strong yukes if you don't spend some time shaking it all off.  Here's a meditation that will help. Prepare to move, dance, yawn, breath, laugh, cry, blow, yell and rest for 10 minutes.  Then, go have some fun and exercise vigorously for at least 20 minutes, then you can rest.   Dr. Carol Francis Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Family, Child and Individual Psychotherapist for over 37 years in Los Angeles area serving Manhattan Beach, Torrance, El Segundo, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Palos Verdes Estates and more 310-543-1824.   

  • Different Meditations - Reading Fiction & Creating Your Own - 10 Min Meditation

    19/11/2014 Duración: 13min

    Meditations come in all shapes, sizes, content, length, purpose and styles.  Typically accompanied with a peaceful focus and various types of breathing, meditations can suit your moment, your mood, your needs and your current personality styles.  Dr. Carol Francis, a student of meditation for over 40 years, considers today the meditation of reading fiction and then leads a 10 minute meditation in your own fiction.  Such meditation aim to move you beyond your limited thinking and limited perceptions of your reality so that when you return to your daily demands, you are better equipped to consider issues, problems, and opportunities from many different angles helping you optimize your attitude and your actions.   Enjoy these moments of soulful, spiritual, playful and expanding meditational experiences.   Dr. Carol Francis is an experienced Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist, Reiki Master, Shamanically trained for 20 years, Jungian and Transpersonal Psychotherapist, and Certified Medi

  • Dr. Bernie Siegel Medicine & Health and Your Mindful Powers

    17/11/2014 Duración: 01h08min

    Dr. Bernie Siegel today is celebrated as the brave pioneer in the Body and Mind dual dynamic of health, healing and modern medical models.  Dr. Bernie Siegel's latest book, The Art of Healing, captures human power as it can interface with Western Medicine, Eastern Philosophy, Mindfulness Psychological research yielding substantial health benefits.  

  • Music, Vibration, Hypnotherapy, Quantum Physics and Sound with Leigh Spusta

    01/10/2014 Duración: 38min

    Leigh Spusta exposes us to the influential power of sound, music, vibrations, harmonics, tononics on our conscious and unconscious experiences.   Performing his Sitar creating the sympathetic resonance that relaxes and stimulates emotions, brain functions without efforts from the listener as dissonance and harmony flow into the listeners body and mind.  Leigh Spusta is a Behavioral Scientist, Hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states. He has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio CDs. Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich, resonant soundscapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies. As a Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt), Leigh Spusta provides

  • THE AMAZING YOU Movie with Producer Dragos Bratosanu, Success Engineer

    10/09/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Dragos Bratasanu has vision and steps and paths to help you find your success, your passion and your mission which will fulfill your days.   His formula is also the formula of Class A professionals.   THE AMAZING YOU reveals the ideologies of successful professionals including NASA professionals like Dr. Ed Hoffman the Chief Knowledge Officer for NASA in Washington DC, Musicians including Steve VAI who talks about the power of our minds to create our world, visioneer and inspirational author and speaker Gregg Bradden, as well as  innovators such as Angry Birds' Peter Vesterbacka - the amazing Chief Marketing Officer of ROVIO, and HeartMath's Steve Martin.   Drago Bratasanu's movie, THE AMAZING YOU is available at this link (click here)! [http://www.theamazingmovie.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html].  The AMAZING YOU will appeal to your children, teens, adult children, co-workers, students, clients, patients, and career changing friends, spouses and you.  Watch over and over until the wisdom of this movie a

  • Hormone Imbalance - Can’t Seem to Shed those Extra Pounds? with Dr. Clairborne

    01/09/2014 Duración: 26min

    SHED POUNDS by understanding the chemistry of food, sleep, hormones, aging and being a woman as Dr. Clairborne enlightens and clarifies the whys and how of creating your next optimal body.  Dr. Maiysha Clairborne is an integrative family physician, the founder of Mind Body Spirit Wellness Inc, and Associate Clinical Professor for Morehouse School of Medicine. She facilitates patients in achieving and maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through her various wellness programs.  American Board Certified in Family Medicine, Dr. Clairborne is the author of Eat Your Disease Away, and newly released The Wellness Blueprint, and has been featured as a wellness expert on several radio and television programs throughout the country including  NBC40 Health Update, CW’s Focus Atlanta, Rx for Life, and Fox 45 Baltimore’s Health Segment.  In addition to running a successful private practice, Dr. Clairborne is the medical director for four wellness clinics in both Georgia and Florida and is the host of

  • Sleepless Nights, Exhausting Days, Mental Fog Where is the Relief for Insomnia w

    30/08/2014 Duración: 24min

    Insomnia causes disturbances in every aspect of life. Anger and irritability ruin relationships due to lowered frustration-tolerance caused by sleeplessness. Concentration, memory and reasoning skills are grossly reduced in the sleepless brain so work and studying suffer considerably. Driving and runing large equipment is very dangerous drugged by sleepless dreariness. But the curse of insomnia is once it becomes a pattern, it cycles over and over and over again with the sleepless person feeling powerless, unable to capture the starved-for sleep. Dr. Carol Francis helps listeners understand how they unknowingly developed insomnia and the steps often used to return back to sleeping and restful nights. Tune in to Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio August 30.   Dr. Carol Francis has practiced for 37 years as a Clinical Psychologist, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Marriage, Family & Child Counselor. She assists individuals, couples and children who seek to optimize their current situation and overcome co

  • Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis Addressing Empty-Nest Syndrome

    29/08/2014 Duración: 20min

    Empty Nest Syndrome on Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio, August 30. Mothers and fathers who dedicated the last 18 plus years of moneys, marital bliss, prodding, laughing and sweating through parenting confusions launch their college students out of the house. Relief and parenting pride intermix with loss, depression and sense of “now what.” Dr. Carol Francis as a Clinical Psychologist has helped teens and parents successfully move to this day. Empty-Nesting is for real and Dr. Carol Francis for over 37 years has helped parents regroup after their household becomes quiet and their time is once again their own. Program is available on podcast and archived at this link as well on Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio. The primary caretaker, still typically mothers, are the ones most suffering from this sense of loss. Empty Nesters feel depressed, frequently crying. Beyond the loss and this type of bereavement, Empty Nesters experience a type of existential crisis. This “now what” reflects a type of meaninglessness. “Effecti

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