Hear messages from Gene Thomsen at Rice Community Church in Rice, MN. To learn more about the church please visit
God's Chisel
03/09/2017 Duración: 18minGod has a plan, a purpose and a harvest for all of us, but in order to be formed into the image of His Son we need to let Him take away what doesn't need to be there to form us into the Masterpiece He sees in us.
You Are Valuable
27/08/2017 Duración: 26minToday we discuss the Great Commission and how you are valuable in God's plan and He sees your value even when you may not.
Purpose In You Pain
14/08/2017 Duración: 27minSometimes it may look like the world, our flesh and the devil are winning but remember with God on your side all things are possible. Today we look at the life of Joseph and how through his pain and troubles God used Joseph to save a nation. He also has a great plan for your life!!
Focused Faith
07/08/2017 Duración: 19minToday we look into Matthew 14:22-31 we see how when life's storms come and our doubts and fears may feel like they are going to overtake us, when we cry out to Jesus, He will be there with us.
Stay the Course
30/07/2017 Duración: 32minToday we look at Eleazar in 2 Samuel, and we ask ourselves a question, am I willing to fight for my God given dream when everyone around me retreats, am I willing to stay the course and trust God to give me victory.
Living For The Approval of Others
23/06/2013 Duración: 32minThe quickest way to forget what God thinks about me is to be obsessed with what others think about me. Therefore, I will lay down what you say about me; I'll even lay down what I think about me so I can become what God says about me. Because ultimately, I can't please everybody but the good news is by faith and through Christ I can please God.
My Right To Be Offended
16/06/2013 Duración: 26minWhy is it that we're so easily offended? The reason is because we're living out of our egos, our very insecure egos that want to be right and want to win. We live in a world that's quick to judge, quick to call a foul, quick to be offended, but very slow to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11 says "A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense."
My Need for Control
02/06/2013 Duración: 32minSo many of us, because of our ego, we're trying to control situations and we're stressed and worried and anxious and consumed with fear because we're trying to control something that's really for God alone. When you surrender it to God, he gives you peace. To truly follow Jesus and call ourselves Christian we must die to ourselves to become alive in Christ.
My Feelings of Inadequacy
26/05/2013 Duración: 27minGods view of you is different than you think. Have you ever felt you weren't good enough, strong enough, looked just right, and so you listened to the lies others told you about yourself. We are going to learn to let God define who we are and lay our egos down on His Altar and become all we were meant to me Today we start a four part series from Craig Groschels book "Altar Ego."