Street Faith



Biblical perspectives and practical strategies for experiencing God's Kingdom right where you are


  • Engaging the World in Truth and Love: Marketplace Kingdom Conference Call # 8

    02/05/2016 Duración: 53min

    "Love earns the right to speak truth." This is the central theme that emerged during this special Q&A session in our series. This episode provides straight talk on practical issues. Real down to earth Kingdom in the streets stuff. The bottom line? We carry the Presence of God in us and around us. Our presence is His presence…with skin on. We have the power of God to be a transforming influence wherever we are if we determine to live intentionally, rooted in scripture and guided by the Holy Spirit. In Christ, we are redeemed and are even now being transformed for a purpose. His intention is to use us as he designed us, with our unique gifts, callings, and wiring. The DNA that he placed in us for our role in the world…right where we are…for such a time as this.

  • Faith and Life in the Global Marketplace-A Conversation With Tom Sudyk: Marketplace Kingdom Conference Call # 7

    20/04/2016 Duración: 55min

    This week’s call and podcast features the story of a business that’s more than a business. EC Group International is a global software solutions company whose business IS their mission. Not only do they see their team as a community and treat one another accordingly, they see themselves as having a responsibility to love and bless the broader community in tangible ongoing ways. This is not an afterthought, a bullet point in a mission statement, or even one of their key priorities. It is the underlying reality that forms and defines who they are and what they do. Tom Sudyk, the founder and CEO of EC Group International is our guest on this episode. Our discussion touches on the challenges facing the Christian who wants to live intentionally in a global context, and building a business where Kingdom values are woven into the very fabric of the enterprise and how it touches lives.

  • On Practical Vision and Listening Prayer-A Conversation With Ted Kallman: Marketplace Kingdom Conference Call # 6

    04/04/2016 Duración: 57min

    God cares about our details…if we’re willing to listen! Nehemiah had an immense task before him as he returned to Israel from the Persian capitol. He had received permission to rebuild the crumbling city, starting with the wall. He had the vision. He had the resources. What he didn’t have was a plan or a work force. People told him it would never happen. There were influential parties whose own agendas were threatened by Nehemiah’s project. Some of his critics even worked behind the scenes to sabotage him. But God had other plans. Plans to bring hope and a future to a devastated people. Modern experts are almost unanimous in their assessment of Nehemiah’s undertaking. Given the resources and technology of the time, it should have taken years to build that wall. But with the wisdom of God, it was done in fifty-two days. "The Nehemiah Effect" is a book that looks at how the wisdom of God can be applied in our world to accomplish the seemingly impossible. The author of this Amazon best seller, Ted

  • LIFE IN THE PRESENCE BONUS 2: Seeing and Hearing from God

    21/03/2016 Duración: 53min

    Is it possible that our friends, our families, our jobs and our communities would be blessed and transformed by the involvement and insight of people who were actually listening and hearing from the God who created their world? Does the God of the Universe actually have a specific design for individual human lives? Our lives? Our day to day details? How do we listen for His voice and direction as it pertains to our particular situations? With these questions in mind, we’re releasing this Bonus episode, “Seeing and Hearing from God”, the keynote teaching from a Western Michigan regional prayer leaders’ conference involving participants from some twenty six churches and nineteen different denominations. This is a fast paced, entertaining and practical biblical presentation from DJ Swanger and it’s our gift to you. We hope you’re encouraged.

  • Kingdom in the Streets-Part 2: Marketplace Kingdom Conference Call # 4

    21/03/2016 Duración: 52min

    The world is not the enemy’s territory. It all belongs to God. And in spite of the increasingly shrill demands that Christians keep their faith to themselves and out of public arenas, God has a different plan. The “church” doesn’t need to send people into “the marketplace”. We’re already there. We simply need to realize what we’re called to do and who we’re called to be. This is the thrust of “Kingdom in the Streets-Part 2”, the fourth podcast episode in the Marketplace Kingdom series from the Empowerment Institute and OneRockStrategix. This may be the most important podcast we’ve released to date, and you can listen online or download it today. Join this ugent ongoing conversation about strategic prayer and tactical action for advancing God’s Kingdom. Let’s create a landing strip for His transforming power and presence right where we are.

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