Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

372: SEO Predictions for 2023 - What we Should Think About as We Create our Content with Casey Markee



In episode 372, Casey Markee gives us his best SEO predictions for 2023, describing the bigger picture and what we should be thinking about as we create our content in the new year. Speaker, writer, and trainer, Casey Markee, is the founder of digital consultancy company Media Wyse. He is a well-known SEO professional with 20+ years of experience. Casey has trained SEO teams on five different continents, he has spoken at over 100 conferences, and he has worked with thousands of bloggers in the Food, Lifestyle and Travel niches. He also collects comic books, enjoys watching trashy reality TV with his wife Tifany, and he believes bacon should be its own food group. In this episode, you’ll learn exactly what to look out for when it comes to SEO in 2023, including how to deal with new Google updates, how visual content is going to have a major impact on your Google rankings going forward, keywords versus entities and the importance of E-A-T. - What should you know about the Helpful Content Update? - Product revie