The Top With Richie Phillips

The Phil Vassar Interview: Country's PIANO MAN



This one was a special thrill. I DEFINITELY took it to THE TOP of the country music business with this guy!     He came on our morning radio show in Albany NY years ago (he looks alot younger, and I had hair).   A few years after that, we had a country music festival in Saratoga, NY, and he invited me to go onstage and accompany him while HE sang!  How surreal was THAT?    I never forgot how friendly and generous he was of his time.  But it didn't end there.  He gave me 45 MORE minutes in between his busy schedule for this podcast.     If you know his songs, you'll love this.  If you are a musician, he digs a little deeper into his process of writing, his musical influences,  and keyboard technique as well.    His newest smash hit is "Fall Crazy" and you can hear it here  He also has a new TV series coming out on Fox TV -  Songs from the Cellar.  Watch for it!  More info at         SHAMELESS PLUG - BTW  I'm going to be at the Eden Cafe on Fri, July 20 and Fri Nov 2, in an intimate piano ba