Flipping America

Flipping America 574, Buying with Privy



What if I told you that you can use one software tool and buy 12 profitable deals next year that are listed on the MLS? It’s true because one guy did it this PAST year and next year is only going to get better. Learn more in just a moment on today’s episode. Benson Juarez is the Marketing Director and one of the owners of Privy Software. I like him and check in with him from time to time just to see what he’s doing. I was in for a surprise. When I called him the other day he told me that he had temporarily relocated from his home in Denver to St. Louis to, using his own words, “practice what he was preaching.” He decided to demonstrate live and in person how to build a real estate business using Privy software as the only deal sourcing tool. He used Privy to select St. Louis, went over and set up shop, and did 12 deals in one year. I told him we needed to record that conversation so we did - and it’s coming up.