Josie And The Podcast

Leading with Kindness with Krista Boniface



Big Heart, Kindness First. It's one of the first things you’ll see in Krista Boniface’s Instagram bio, and really, it's the first word that comes to mind when I think of Krista.  Social media is not always built with wellness in mind, and most days, it certainly seems like it's not built for kindness. But that is part of Krista’s power, creating a digital presence that is inclusive and empathetic.  Getting her start in the Canadian film industry, Krista is now a Senior Social Media Strategist overseeing the central social media presence for the University of Toronto @UofT.  With over 7 years of Marketing Communications experience in higher education, non-profit film organizations, higher and start-up environments, Krista has produced social media activations and video content for the Canadian Screen Awards and Toronto International Film Festival. She is also a faculty member of my Digital Community Building Cohort, and in her free time, Krista is a crafting and gardening extraordinaire. In this episode, we ge