Flipping America

Flipping America 578, Wholesaling with Brent Daniels



Imagine this: You make $20,000 on a real estate deal, but you are neither the buyer nor the seller. And you’re also not the real estate agent. How does this happen? We will tell all today on Flipping America. Our guest today, Brent Daniels was living large as a real estate entrepreneur, well on my way to fulfilling my “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” dreams: Designer clothes. Flashy cars. Big house. A year later, the housing market crashed… HIs business went under. His cars get repossessed. He lost his home and five rental properties to foreclosure. And he get slapped with a $742,000 judgment for breaking a commercial office lease. And then things got really bad. He got divorced, got a DUI and sat in jail for a month. Then something happened that turned his life around. While working as a realtor he sat at a closing and watched a wholesaler make $40,000 without ever taking ownership of the property. He learned how to wholesale properties and never looked back. Brent has an incredible story and a great track record as a r