How Did You Get Into That? // Careers // Entrepreneurship // Small Business

139 – How to Build a Business From Ikea Furniture, with Nick Ray



Do you love Ikea furniture, but not the long trips to the store? Nick Ray, founder of ModerNash in Nashville, Tennessee, is your answer! ModerNash specializes in the distribution of Ikea products to the greater Nashville area, and offers other services including delivery, installation, and home design. In this episode, Nick shares how he created ModerNash, the practical logistics of his business, and the story of ModerNash’s humble beginnings. Listen in to hear all of that and so much more on today’s edition of How Did You Get Into That?. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOW: How ModerNash functions as a business. How do they get so much furniture from Atlanta to Nashville? What gave Nick the idea to buy and sell for profit? How you can turn a “crazy” idea into a business. What happened for ModerNash to become a multi-service business? How you can juggle more than one job and still be a success. How ModerNash became shifted from a shipping service to a showroom. And much, much more!   EPISODE RESOURCES ModerNas