Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Seth Hoffman tells his story



Seth Hoffman: Grief Support Community Organizer | Orphan | Survive+Thrive | MSW | Elder Advocate | Writer | WFPB | NYC | | Mindful | Lovingkindness | Grateful Seth says, "I lost my dad when I was 17 and my mom when I was 21. These losses sent me on a journey where I've fallen down and been picked up several times. And throughout these experiences, I always wanted to find people in my age group who could relate to me. So when I came upon this group in May of 2016 (when I was 24), I felt relieved when I went to a few meetings, and finally felt like people could relate to my experiences, especially through the context of young adulthood. This group has been one of the reasons I motivate myself to heal from and survive these losses. Being a young adult who loses a parent or both parents, makes this transitional stage of life harder to deal with. As young adults, we are facing new experiences that can shape the rest of our lives. Some of us are in school pursuing degrees. Some of us are working in the real-wor