Public Speaking With David Murray

Mindfulness technique to use when feeling anxious before presenting – 103



I’m sure you can look back at a presentation you’ve delivered, and recall in the build up to it, how it made you feel. Or perhaps you’re looking ahead to delivering your next presentation, and when you do this, it makes you feel a certain way too. Everyone feels differently in the build up to a presentation, and whether you're feeling excited, nervous or a bit of both, it’s important not to get caught up in how you’re feeling. Because this will take up all your energy and focus which you should be putting into preparing for the presentation itself. Which can increase the nerves and anxiety around the big day. And this gets in the way of you sharing your message as well as you want to. So finding a place of balance so that you don’t caught up in how you are feeling is important. I believe this is where a technique called “Mindfulness” can help. Because it's an effective way of calming the mind, controlling the nerves, and can help you find a place of balance. Which can help support you delivering you