Now That I'm Older

NTIO #106 Marvel Movies and Sex Toys



Hello and welcome back to another week of everyone's favorite reminder of how old we're all getting, Now That I'm Older. This week we are jumping with a story of a guy who decides to rob a sex show and ends up taking a pounding, but not from sex. Then we talk about how Shane is getting caught up on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how the DC Universe is kind of a mess. This week we shouted out Talk Nerdy to Me (@tntmtheshow); Theme Park Films Pod (@ThemeParkFilms); and Outside Longbox (@outsidelongbox) and we spun promos for So I Married A Movie Geek (@MovieGeekCast) and Podian of the Galaxy (@PodianPodcast). Thanks for checking out the show and let all your friends know about it. Even if all your friends live in the park, we don't care! If they still can access WiFi at the library, they can listen to the show and that's good enough for us.