Amber Leitz

Ep. 149: Sex, Money & Mary Magdalene



Ready to dive into the mystery of Mary Magdalene with a red, erotic lens? I believe there’s no difference between you and her. She is you, you are her, and your story is her story. I know this can feel a bit controversial, but don’t worry Lover - I’m simply inviting you into a red space of inquiry and curiosity as we dive into all things sex, money & Mary Magdalene.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the ways I connect with Mary Magdalene’s teachings & some ways for you to connect with her and walk the pathway of the modern-day sex priestess. You are human AND divine. Ready to feel your divinity, but also enjoy and embrace your humanity as a wealthy, well-fucked sex priestess? Let’s dive in.  I get into: A deep dive into Mary Magdalene, her teachings & her journey “from prostitute to saint” Connecting to the spiritual, erotic & holy whore temple work through the teachings of Mary Magdalene The relationship between MM & Jesus and the funding of his ministry Releasing shame & conditioning