Ghost Magnet With Bridget Marquardt

Bruce Burnett and the Ghosts of Tombstone



Bruce Burnett is a Marketing Manager and Project Manager Tombstone Wild West Paracon. When Bruce decided to move back to Arizona, the decision was made to move to Tombstone, the town is thick with activity and is well known and documented for such. He has investigated the world-famous Bird Cage Theatre and joined a number of other hunts in Globe, Jerome, and at Brunkcow’s Cabin, the deadliest cabin in Arizona. There have been experiences in numerous Tombstone locations including, but not limited to Wyatt Earp’s Oriental Saloon and Theatre, The Crystal Palace, Schieffelin Hall, Boothill Graveyard, Undertaker Espresso, and Smoke Signals, the Outlaw Social Club. There has even been poltergeist activity in his home once…only once, but clearly actual activity involving a plate launching off a shelf and landing 8 feet away. He has also been present when others have had incredible experiences. All that plus Lisa Morton's Ghost Report, on an all new Ghost Magnet with Bridget! #Tombstone #Haunted #BirdcageTheater #Gho