Street Faith

The Intensive 9: Strategic Catalytic Presence--The Nows and Whens of Redeeming Our Time



When Jesus confronted the man who was possessed by a “legion” of demons, they recognized his power and authority, but challenged him anyway. They cried out, “Have you come to torment us before the time?” What they failed to understand was that all of history had led to that moment, and the fullness or pregnancy of time that culminated in Jesus’ appearance on the scene. And His response bore that out. He expelled them! He didn’t argue. He acted. And His actions spoke clearly. “It’s time! I’m here!” If we are living and moving in true discernment, in the “on earth as it is in heaven” character of the inbreaking Kingdom and Presence of God, we will be able to see and step into such moments as well, recognizing the NOW moments of Kingdom power and proclaiming by our actions, “It’s Time!”