Street Faith

The Intensive 4: It's Time--Factors in Seeing the Fullness of Now



It seems like every other story in the news today is written in a way that’s consciously intended to create a sense of urgency. The writers appear to think that if it’s not urgent, it won’t capture your attention. You’ll ignore it. But like the story of the boy who cried “WOLF”, eventually people become immunized to a constant urgency. According to the bible, King David had a group of advisors known as the “sons of Issachar”, who were specifically gifted in “understanding the times and knowing what Israel should do.” They saw what was happening around their communities and nation, and understood what was urgent and what was not. We need this kind of wisdom today. Wisdom that sees clearly and recognizes when it’s time to engage in strategic action. Wisdom that is rooted in intimacy with God, and responds when His Spirit rises up in our spirit and declares “It’s Time!”