Street Faith

The Intensive 3: Creation, Purpose and Kingdom Life--Discerning Design and Destiny



Christian thinker Abraham Kuyper wrote “There is not one square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry MINE!” If this is our starting point as Christians, the implications are startling. There may be spiritual war in personal lives, the public square, and even world systems. But the world is not evil. The whole of created reality came into being in the beginning, and God said it was GOOD. As we move around in our own little corners of creation, we can be guided by the confidence that, though it may be embattled territory, it’s still God’s! And it’s just waiting for US to do something…in God’s power and authority! Paul writes in Romans, “The whole creation is even now groaning in anticipation of the revealing of God’s children.” Anticipated release and transformation, and restoration of Design and Destiny.