Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 4.8--Truth and Morality in the Public Square



Any of us who discuss faith issues with non-Christians has, with increasing frequency, been confronted with the claim, “Well, that may be your truth, but it’s not mine.” In the public square, in the media, in our day to day interaction with even family, friends and acquaintances, we are often confronted with the claim that there is more than one truth. That all viewpoints are roughly equal in a truly inclusive society, and that no one has the right to impose their truth or morality on anyone else. But if we actually believe Jesus, who stated plainly “I AM the truth”, then we’re confronted with a different reality. A biblical reality that says “Absolute truth exists. There is truth as opposed to deception. There is right as opposed to wrong. God and His word stand as the standard against which everything else must be measured.” For authentic Christians, this biblical reality, rooted in the character and presence of the one Living God, should provide the basis for all of our discussion of Truth and Morality in