Street Faith

MARKETPLACE KINGDOM 4.2: Prayer Walking Your Work and Your Real-World Life



This podcast exists with one purpose in mind. To help YOU advance God’s Kingdom in YOUR territory. Your sphere of influence. But as we continue to gain new listeners, the question continues to come up, “How do I get started? What can I do in my own town? Business? Circle of friends?” And that question brings us back to something we discussed early in Season One. “Mountain Climbing for Beginners”. Getting started as a Kingdom influencer in your own sphere. Your own “cultural mountain”. Now what if we told you that YOU have the power to change your little piece of the world, regardless of the context, circumstances, or the people around you? What if we told you that you can walk into any group and any situation and bathe it in the power and presence of God? That’s what this episode is about. Kingdom influence… and the Power of Prayer. Prayer walking. Prayer walking your work. Your real-world life. Getting started….right where you are.