Street Faith

Beyond What We Imagine



We know that living out a Kingdom life requires authentic biblical faith. And we know that Biblical faith calls us all to a faithful stewardship that involves much more than simply our money. It involves seeking practical ways to demonstrate Christ's love and lordship in every area of life and every sector of society. Guided by the Holy Spirit, it involves employing clearly biblical principles, and discovering ways that the good news really can be good news…right where we are! But in our real lives in the real world, we all need a little encouragement. A little help keeping perspective. A little hope. Why do we do what we do? Why do we do it the way we do? In the details. In the day to day. Our friend Dirk Ailts returns as our featured guest for the next couple episodes of Marketplace Kingdom. Dirk is US Outreach and Strategies Leader for Steward Leader Ministries, a truly unique global ministry engaged in raising up leaders and influencers to advance the Kingdom of God and transform lives, cultures and na