Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Three Episode 1-Passion and Prayer for Such a Time as This



In discussing strategies for understanding and engaging our world biblically, one theme that comes up over and over is the centrality of prayer and the presence of God. As Christians, there is no part of life that doesn’t need to be bathed in prayer. There is no area that cannot be redeemed and transformed by the power of Christ and the present work of the Holy Spirit. Charles Kim shares this vision in a big way. Charles is a former pastor, church planter, and director of Korean ministries for the Christian Reformed Church, and is currently moving into the role of diversity leader for the denomination’s combined home and world missions agency. Charles’ efforts organizing and leading prayer summits over the last five years has placed him in the forefront of awakening a passion for prayer in churches and regions all across north America. He joins us on this episode to talk about that passion and about the national prayer summit being held in Los Angeles on March 27, 28, and 29. We hope you’re encouraged by