Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Two Episode 6: HOPE AND A FUTURE--Awakening and Healing the Soul of the Nation



We have an incredible opportunity in this moment. An opportunity to be the hands and feet and heart and voice of our Lord to the people around us. To pray and listen to the Spirit. To love courageously and fall on our faces before God in intercession for our families, our friends, our nation and our world. And to speak the truth of the Kingdom of God breaking into human life one heart at a time. “HOPE AND A FUTURE: Awakening and Healing the Soul of the Nation” is a moving time of conversation and prayer about prayer...for the revival of Christians and the awakening of our country. Our guest and friend Randy Hekman of Grand Awakening shares his heart for bringing real healing and transformation to lives and communities by crying out together in united prayer and creating a landing strip for God’s presence and power right where we are. You’ll definitely want to listen to this episode again and again. And pass it on to your friends.