Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Two Episode 5: Leading Change from the Ground Up



Leadership and Change are hot topics. In the news. In the church. In the coffeeshops and on social media. And everybody has an opinion, backed by their own cadre of experts. But what if real leadership looks more like one to one influence, and real change starts at the bottom instead of the board room? By common standards, Ron Jimmerson was the last person the world would expect to be changing the shape of a city and its neighborhoods. An ex-offender with a prison earned GED stepping into a field dominated by so-called experts with masters’ and doctoral degrees, he had passion and a vision for transforming lives in ways that ran directly counter to the most established approaches. Ron’s game plan was disturbingly simple. Listen to God and listen to the people at the bottom. Really listen! Then do what works. Ron is our guest on this episode of Marketplace Kingdom. Our conversation on “Leading Change from the Ground Up” is serious, funny, challenging, and full of street level biblical insight that