Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom SPECIAL EDITION: America 2016-Not Voting Is Not An Option



"URGENT...The US presidential election is just fifteen days away. Still, many people in our country remain undecided as to how…or if…they plan to vote. At no time in recent history have we as a people been so deeply and hotly divided. Many with whom we have spoken continue to be seriously conflicted about both major candidates. Yet this election, perhaps more than any in the last four decades, is about much more than candidates. It is about the nature and direction of our nation for the next generation. For Christians, it is about understanding the times and knowing what we should do! That’s why we’ve decided to release this Special Edition of Marketplace Kingdom. This episode was produced quickly. We believe the issues at stake are important enough that we want to make it available sooner rather than later! PLEASE…Send the link to your friends. Email it. Share it on Facebook and Twitter. Download the mp3 and send it out directly. Yes, we believe it’s that important."