Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Two Episode 4: Kingdom Business Now



According to our friend Fulton Sheen, the key pivot point for a Christian understanding of business and finance comes when believers realize that they’re not owners, but rather stewards of the resources with which God has entrusted them. That shift in understanding brings with it a critical shift in focus and in the principles to which we are responsible. In the Book of Ruth, when Boaz was allowing Ruth to glean, he didn’t leave her with just enough to eat. He very specifically left MORE, so that she could go out and sell the extra grain…to make some money as well as eat. He was allowing her to go way beyond mere subsistence. He was allowing her to flourish. So what does a Kingdom oriented business and economic culture really look like? The over-riding character of the world’s approach is the law of the jungle…survival of the fittest. When setting up a deal, a contract, a business relationship or any other financial transaction, the world thinks “How can I win and come out on top?” A Kingdom approach