Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Two Episode 2: Cities of Refuge-Preparing for the Coming Economic Crisis



Is there really such a thing as “biblical economics”? Does the bible provide principles and strategies for how we should conduct ourselves in our personal financial affairs? In business? As a community? As a nation? If we as Kingdom minded people truly desire to understand the times and know what to do, we need to be looking at these questions. What sort of practical grid does a biblical worldview provide for understanding and critiquing the current conversations about “the economy” in the public square? What unique Kingdom answers can be found to the economic issues facing us today? According to Christian analyst and international speaker Fulton Sheen, “The world’s Babylonian economic structures and its excesses are on a collision course with the reality of Kingdom economics based on Biblical absolutes. It’s happened before, it will happen again. We are truly a world economy and what happens in one nation has an effect on another; nations are no longer islands unto themselves…We must be aware and have unde