Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom Season Two Episode 1: "Thy Kingdom Come"



Yes. We live in a volatile world. Every day, a host of conflicting and contradictory voices and agendas are vying for our attention and loyalty. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. What should we do? Who should we believe? How should we pray? But in the midst of the strident demands and vitriolic attitudes that seem to have become the new normal, something else is emerging. Something new and ancient. Something that flies in the face of all the competing agendas and talking points of the world and its would-be rulers in every sector of society. The Lord is awakening and igniting movements of people around the world that will shake lives and bring real revival, transforming individuals and nations. We are experiencing one of those moments in history that is pregnant with God's capacity to do tremendous things as He sets souls ablaze with an intensely practical heart cry for something fresh and powerful and radically other to break in on the scene of our day to day lives! “Thy Kingdom