Street Faith

A New Kind of Church: Marketplace Kingdom Conference Call # 10



"If we read the New Testament carefully, we quickly discover that 'the church' is not the model for the Church. Jesus is the model for the Church!" With these words, our friend Tim Vink brings a precise focus to our discussion of what we should look like as we engage in our day to day lives in the world. This episode revolves around four key questions: 1. What does "church" beyond the walls of the church look like? 2. What does a 7 Mountain/7 Sphere idea say for understanding how the church should be equipping and supporting people in the redemptive character of their perspective and Kingdom oriented engagement in their spheres of influence? 3. What do we need to do to incorporate this kind of Kingdom understanding and practice into our teaching and discipleship activities? Our prayer cover? Our life-as-mission? 4. What might it look like to plant and develop new churches with a Presence based, Spirit led, prayer saturated 7 Mountain orientation built into their DNA from the ground up? Tim Vink i