
8.0 - Episode 8



Welcome to episode eight of Prose. This episode laments aging and mediocrity, questions a use of time, and takes in the terrors of having another you out in the world. The last of these three stories, “Doppleganger,” is the first from an amazing guest author, Nicholas B. Morris. More information about Mr. Morris and his works can be heard in episode 8.3. In the realm of updates, I am continuing to work toward PayPal giving and Patreon backing possibilities for the show; those are both coming. Do please be patient, and I’ll let everyone know as soon as those are ready to roll. (Again, I’d like to note how very humbled and grateful that this is something that’s even being asked about!) Remember, if you are enjoying Prose, I would be greatly appreciative if you could zip over to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or the podcast-catcher of your choice and leave a rating and/or review. These are the lifeblood of podcasts and would help Prose to keep sending tales your way. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Pr