Public Speaking With David Murray

How to give yourself the best chance of public speaking and presenting success – 105



When it comes to preparing for your next talk or presentation. I believe there’s two things you can do to give yourself the best chance of success. One of them will probably sound obvious to you. If you do it, you will sound more polished. And your audience will find your message clearer and easier to understand. The second one might feel less obvious, but is equally important. Because it will help your audience to feel more engaged with what you are saying. And help them to connect with you and your message. In today's episode I share with you how to give yourself the best chance of public speaking and presenting success. *  The first technique is - ‘If you want to be a success; Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse’ *  The second technique is - ‘As a speaker you should always seek to answer this question from your audience: “What’s in it for me”?’ The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: