Dome And Bedlam

D&B 47: Dome & Bedlam Rotary Club



We keep thinking that we're going to stop. There cannot possibly be anything else the Mariners could do to drag our aged behinds into the seat to yak into a mic for, right? Well, no. Kevin Mather went up like a firework stand in a bone-dry pine forest, the Mariners are (once again) the object of the baseball world's ire and, well, we needed to talk about that. Stick around for a discussion on what fandom means, if we can still really see ourselves as fans in the traditional sense, what the team does from here, some rudimentary Q&A, and a whole lot more. This community and your listenership are the only thing that keep us going through all this, so thank you. Feel free to rate us and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. We are grateful for you. (Music Credits: The Menzingers, Billie Eilish, Green Lung)