The Children's Book Podcast

Lily Williams and Karen Schneemann



Lily Williams (@lwbean) and Karen Schneeman (@themeanmagenta) share GO WITH THE FLOW, a comic about menstruation. Period. It's a story about getting your first period and how not all periods are the same from one woman to the next, but it’s also about destigmatizing menstruation in our society. It’s about public embarrassment, but it’s also about barriers to access of feminine hygiene products to the general public. It’s about friendship, and it’s also about demonstration, protest, and advocacy. From a webcomic called THE MEAN MAGENTA to  a full length comic, GO WITH THE FLOW is a welcomed and needed addition to libraries and bookshelves everywhere. I hope it finds its way into your hands very soon. You can access even more information about this book and its author by visiting Get a copy of this book and support independent bookstores (and this podcast) by visiting our BookShop Store.   Thank you to this week's sponsor: And to the generous support from our Patrons. --- S