Unconventional Leaders

Change Making Leadership | Deke Copenhaver



As a leader how do you build a sense of connection and belonging when you lead a community that is diverse and has many differing opinions? How do you tend to your personal relationships and make sure that your heart does not become callus when there are so many issues pulling at you in different directions? Today’s guest, Deke Copenhaver served the city of Augusta as its mayor for nine years. He is now passionate about helping other leaders connect better with those that they serve and make real change through their leadership. Connect with Deke: https://deke-copenhaver.com/   FROM TODAY’S EPISODE: What does connection require of us as leaders? How do you stay emotionally stable while leading so many people? Boundaries, relationships, and self-care for leaders   WHO IS DEKE COPENHAVER? When Deke Copenhaver took over as mayor of his hometown of Augusta, Georgia, the city’s politics were broken and riven along racial lines. Half of the city commissioners were white, half were African American. Neither group