Unconventional Leaders

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Dreaming Bigger with Hypnosis | Renee Bowen



“We need to give ourselves permission to be who we are called to be.” You know you need to focus on higher-level tasks in order to take yourself to the next level, but perhaps you feel crippled by limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Today we are digging into the tool of hypnosis and seeing how it can help you on your unconventional journey.   Connect with Renee: www.reneebowencoaching.com   WHO IS RENE? Renee helps creative entrepreneurs run heart-centered businesses, make more money, and find clarity on their purpose so they can live a more intentional life. A photographer for many years, Renee has helped hundreds of creatives scale their businesses through a holistic coaching method.  Renee is certified in NLP Life Coaching, Neuro-encoding, and Hypnosis. These methods, along with her BA in Psychology and her background as a Massage Therapist, help her individualize her coaching even within a group setting. Renee has been married to her actor husband for 21 years and they have three grown kids together -