Unconventional Leaders

Invaluable Leadership Lessons After Leading Thousands of Soldiers | John Gronski



“It’s okay for a leader to not have all the answers. ” Whether you have the official title of a “leader” or not, know that influence is leadership. Whether it is in the online space, dealing with clients, or raising this next generation of kiddos, our leadership journey is one that should always be growing and developing. Today we are joined by a returning guest, John L. Gronski, Major General, USA (Ret.) who is the author of  “Iron-Sharpened Leadership, Transforming Hard Fought Lessons Into Action" as he shares with us his top lessons of leadership after leading THOUSANDS of soldiers at a time, and over 40 years of leadership experience.    Connect with John Gronski: https://johngronski.com/   WHO IS JOHN GRONSKI? John L. Gronski, Major General, USA (Ret.) is CEO & Founder of Leader Grove LLC (www.LeaderGrove.com). He is the author of "The Ride of Our Lives: Lessons on Life, Leadership, and Love". John is a much sought-after speaker & leadership seminar facilitator. John served for over 40 years in t