Unconventional Leaders

WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG | Finding God Outside of Religion (Revisited)



“At the core of belief is the deepest longings of the human heart.” We are revisiting one of my favorite previous interviews with the author of The Shack, William Paul Young. Although this show is mostly about creativity and making a living doing what you love, one of the deeper issues underlying all the internal work we have to do as ambitious creatives, is addressing spiritual pain and how we view God. Paul’s work has really impacted my life and it’s an honor to get to share his message with you. WHO IS WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG?  Wm Paul Young, author of The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve, The Shack Reflections and Cross Roads Reflections, and Lies We Believe About God, was born a Canadian and raised among a stone-age tribe by his missionary parents in the highlands of what was Netherlands New Guinea (now West Papua).  He suffered great loss as a child and young adult, and now enjoys the “wastefulness of grace” with his growing family in the Pacific Northwest. Connect with Paul Young: http://wmpaulyoung.com/   QUESTIONS