Hustle Guru

Trip On Dropping Out High School, Craftsmanship & Building “Rips”, Influence Of Street Culture, and Becoming Multi-Disciplined.



Matt Interviews Jaylen who goes by Trip and @rips.chicago on social media. Growing up on the South Side of Chicago in Chatham one block away from Cottage Grove. Trip talks about the trials and tribulations that he went through growing up and being a truly loving person while still standing your ground. Choosing to be interested in stuff that may have been considered “weird” by his peers but still being accepted in crowds of very different kinds of people from the nerds to the streets. Trip talks about why street culture is glorified, the influence of music, and how people try to be “gangster” when they’re really just doing “foul sh*t” . Trip talks about being involved in photography and videography, moving into fashion + craftsmanship + design of all kinds with his brand “Rips” that he is building up and how he respects and puts real effort into educating himself on the process of any creative discipline he learns. He touches on the value of quality and working with smaller suppliers who he loves to build rel