Student Fyre With Bobby Berg

Ep. 144: I am TIRED



Life gets to be a lot. With school starting, Labor Day weekend ending, and everyone getting back to the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I wanna take a second to tell you that I'm tired. No cap, life has been a lot lately. I want everyone to take a second to realize where you're really at mentally and emotionally right now. Let's dive into what this exhaustion can do for real. I hope everyone's been enjoying the episodes! The feedback has been so helpful, and I thank each and every one of you that's had feedback for me. Do you want to understand yourself better? Do you have trouble communicating with people, and in turn, having difficulty with people communicating with you? I have a tool that will help you understand the most effective way to communicate with you personally. This tool has changed my life, and I'd like to offer the opportunity for that change to you, as well! If you'd like to take the Flight assessment, please reach out to I'd be happy to give you the survey link! As