Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 18 - Picard Season 3 - ”The Bounty”



For a show that we all knew was going to be (at least partially) about getting the gang back together, this week's episode of Star Trek: Picard did a lot of work getting the gang back together. Join us for a discussion of the sentimentality of those reunions, the plot mysteries still waiting to be discovered, and our thoughts about this season's level of fan service!   Episode Sponsor: World of Warships! Bicks Log: Does this season sport too much fan service? Notes and Recognitions:  The director's name is Dan Liu, who also directed the stellar episode of Strange New Worlds: "Memento Mori". Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music Ad Muzak: "Friendly Skies" from Fly the Friendly Skies of United Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls