Crafty Ass Female

Episode 197: Scrapbook Roundtable: Storytelling in Ali Edwards' December Daily



In this episode of the Crafty Ass Female Podcast, Kristin talks to this season's first December Daily Roundtable, with four amazing guests, and we're talking all about December stories. Megan Anderson talks about her hybrid approach to memory keeping, her document now & make later plan, and how she's using photo books and 1 second everyday videos. Kasha Gage discusses her work as a photographer and family historian. Steph Grimes talks about her return to weekly Project Life and her plans to try new things next year. Jeanne Williams talks about how she has been a lifelong storyteller and got back into scrapbooking about ten years ago. She also talks about how she does a weekly Project Life and a 6x8 story album every year. The conversation centers around how to approach December Daily storytelling, with the perspective that everyone has different lives, with different stories, and all of those stories matter. There is no right or wrong way to approach this project – and the best way forward is whatever works f