Graduate Job Podcast

#130: From never passing a video interview, to graduate job success – Charlotte’s story



For episode 130 of the Graduate Job Podcast, I share a success story in the form of listener to the show and How to Get a Graduate Job course member and alumni Charlotte, and how she went from applying for grad jobs and never being able to get past a video interview, to joining the course and securing the graduate job of her dreams. We explore Charlotte’s journey, from her struggles applying initially, through to her ultimate success. We delve into her hints and tips for each stage of the process, and how she went from failing every video interview she did to being able to ace them with ease. We cover her advice on balancing applying for grad jobs when you are working full-time, with what she learnt through the various assessment centre processes. It’s a great episode and I hope it inspires you that if Charlotte can do it, you can too. To find out more about today, head to the show notes at, where you can find a full transcript, links to the How to Get a Graduate Job cours