

Download your PDF to de-stress your life here!    Have you got frustrated when you present serious problems to your doctor and the only response is “this is because you have stress”? And you leave the office more confused than when you came in. It is true, the body can react in many different ways to high levels of stress, sometimes even resulting in very serious medical situations. It is incredible how our body experiences our emotions. Wait, before you also get frustrated here with me as well. I am here to tell you that you can do more for your health than you may think. Also, you can lower your stress levels in much simpler ways than you think. So let’s begin, shall we? Last summer, I went to the doctor with a series of symptoms, mainly a particular headache. I am normally pretty healthy, but this was a chain of complaints, so I worried. As soon as I started talking with my doctor, she abruptly interrupted me and said “Stress, stress, stress!” The more I wanted