The Saas Revolution Show

The Top Growth Pitfalls That You Aren't Expecting



In this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show, our host Alex Theuma is joined by Asia Orangio, Founder & CEO at DemandMaven and SaaStock USA speaker extraordinaire, who shares the top growth pitfalls that SaaS companies aren't expecting. "No one will ever care more about your company than you, and that's not because they don't actually care about working for you, it's just the way that it is. You will naturally just simply care more, but that's not to say that you need to find people that care as much as you, it's much more like, you've got to come down a little bit. I've learned over the years, especially when it comes to hiring, it is natural for me to care 100%, maybe even 200%, but not everyone is going to be on that same level and that's actually OK." Asia shares: