10 Questions Raw And Uncut With Ray Phillips

The Sit Down with Uncle P



Jean-Pierre Brice a.k.a “Uncle P.” On September 2nd, 2017 CMPRadio.net was born. Bridging the gap between generations and walks of life, Pierre along with partners, came together to shake the community up using the common language; Music, while maintaining the "We are a family" message. Three years in and the message has not changed but grew and continues to grow. As Pierre created CMPRadio.net to be a family, by Cultivating Mature Positivity while Constantly Making Progress because he is a Chester Made Product. Pierre has accepted the challenge of his passion, which drives his purpose to motivate and inspire others to do the same. Now as "Uncle P Motiv8r,” he strives to show his community that Passion Drives Purpose. A local internet radio station based in Chester, PA. CMPRadio.net airs from Cultivating Mature Positivity Studios located in the city it was founded in, Chester, PA CMPradio.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FCMPradio.net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0vxeG5PABhNyNe11zfaAVHPc_6COLVKiESa-G8M8