Nation Real Life

Checking in from Los Angeles



Jay, Tyler, and Baggedmilk are in Los Angeles and that meant the need for a special edition of the Real Life podcast.Kicking off the show, the guys got started with a recap of their trip to LA from getting on the plane in Edmonton to being at the game to knocking out a round of golf this morning at the hotel. As you'll hear, the boys are having a blast in LA despite the horrific results of the hockey game last night. Yet, at the same time, it was hard to ignore some of the annoying Kings fans that were in the building and how they don't seem to really know why they were chirping at us. Digging into the hockey game, the guys discussed how frustrating it is for the Oilers to be down 2-1 in this series despite outplaying the Kings handily at even strength. To put it lightly, the Oilers need to bring it in Game 4. The guys then talked about what else they're getting up to while in California, including a trip to the beach, an Anaheim Angels game, and some pre-game rituals that they'll be doing on Sunday to try an