Puppet Podcast

Continuous Delivery and Cloud Native Infrastructure with Nebula Team



In this podcast, Eric Sorenson and Melissa Sussmann will be exploring the challenges that DevOps engineers face in using cloud-native infrastructure and how Puppet can help with your deployments.Continuous deployment is essential to the growing cloud-native space, especially in the case of containerization. Everyone we’ve interviewed is looking to adopt cloud-native technologies, but they face significant challenges in adopting containers, microservices, and serverless infrastructure for even simple cloud-native applications.Project Nebula provides automation that helps customers easily work on provisioning, rollbacks, application deployment, and notifications all through one tool. Nebula also provides teams with a platform for sharing workflows and best practices to build consistent and coherent deployments. It's our latest offering for teams that are adopting various cloud-native and serverless technologies and need to unify this heterogeneous toolset into a single, end-to-end deployment workflow.Sign up fo