The Tai Lopez Show

Are You Truly Making Moves in Life Right Now? Show Me the Numbers.



“You should be testing at least 17 things per day if you can” - Tai Lopez(click to tweet)Are you experimenting every single day?A lot of people either don’t like to experiment, or don’t think to. But, in reality, experimentation is the only way that you can take the guesswork out of your decisions.If you have been working on a decision, and trying to figure out which is the best way to go with something, you need to find a way to break the components of the decision down into experimental aspects, and then measure the results.You should try to do at least 17 different small experiments every single day.Don’t forget, you can listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!“Experiment and test every aspect of your life, and measure the results” - Tai Lopez(click to tweet)Points to Keep In MindYou should be testing at least 17 things per day if you canExperiment and test every aspect of your life, and measure the resultsWhen you experiment, you will be surprised at the smal