Nation Real Life

Back home for Game 3 and a whole lot of nonsense



The Edmonton Oilers made their way back home for the first time since Game 5 against the L.A. Kings, and I was very curious about how the boys would perform after being away for so long. To kick off the Monday episode of Real Life, the guys got started with a recap of their trip to Vegas for the two boys that weren't able to be on the trip. Thankfully for those that heard the two on-location podcasts, the guys kept the recap quick as to not repeat the same stories over and over again. From there, Chalmers dove into a wild story about his kids after they accidentally bear maced themselves in one of the most chaotic scenes you'll ever hear. He also told the story of his missing iPad that is still up in High Level and how getting it back is proving to be incredibly difficult despite knowing exactly where it is. Changing gears entirely, the guys pivoted to talking about schoolyard games from back in the day and how the kids don't know what they're missing. Finally getting to the Oilers, the guys lo