Box Press

Beginner Cigars for Newbies, Tips and Tricks | Box Press 94



How do you pick a cigar that's right for you, especially if you're new to cigar smoking? Learn the top things to know before you shop for cigars. Includes helpful questions what to say when the humidor manager asks, "May I help you." Hosted by Boveda's Nate Beck and Rob Gagner.Pick up a Boveda Humidor Bag to store those cigars you pick up at the smoke shop. A Boveda Humidor Bag makes a great first humidor, plus it's preloaded with a Boveda cigar humidity pack. Boveda preserves cigars by making sure they're well-humidified. If you don't store cigars with Boveda, cigars can be can be hard to light, burn to too fast or get moldy. Boveda has been keeping cigars tasting great for more than 25 years. Boveda Protects Premium Cigars. Guaranteed.Sign up for Boveda email updates: Twitter: Instagram: Cold open00:18 How to buy your first cigar00:41 Key flavors in cigars01:24 T